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Splitting the Expenses

Last year we took care of a good portion of the expense because it was in part our wedding celebration. Moving forward for this event and each subsequent one, we're going to split the expenses equally among the group. Like the commies we are.


Included in this will be the camp rental, meals, snacks and drinks, so really you just need to show up with your personal belongings ready to spend the weekend together.  


$140/person will likely get us square on this (for small kids just add $10/kid). But it'll also depend on how many people RSVP because the camp is rented on a flat fee. Camp rental is likely $92/person for the weekend based on estimated RSVPs. Then about $50/person should cover us for all food and alcohol. 


If for some reason there is an overage on this I'll get it worked out and some money back to you! If there's a shortage then we'll just see by how much. I don't think I'm too worried about that. 


Please throw in your share by using the Venmo account below!







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